Viewing Inline Feedback (Annotations) from Instructors on D2L Assignment Submissions


Students can view inline feedback (annotations) that instructors have added directly to their submissions, easily from within an assignment folder in Assignments.



Students can view inline feedback (annotations) that instructors have added directly to their submissions, easily from within an assignment folder in Assignments.

Here's How

  1. Click Assignments on the navigation bar in your course site.
  2. Click the name of the assignment for which you want to view feedback.
  3. Click the Read link under Feedback.
    Read Link under Feedback
  4. Click View Inline Feedback under Inline Feedback.
    View Inline Feedback link under Inline Feedback
  5. View the submission feedback on the page that opens in your browser.
    Note: You can print or search the document by clicking the Print or Search button and download the document, with the annotations as a PDF, by clicking the Download button on right side of the toolbar. You can also fit the document to your screen by clicking the Full Screen button.  Additionally, you have various options for viewing, listed below, available on the left side of the toolbar. 
    Toolbar Options
    • Document View - Opens a split screen on the left in which you can view/add thumbnails, document outline, and bookmarks
    • Page Navigation - Allows you to easily move from page to page within multi-page documents
    • Page Layout - Allows you to change the reading view, transitions between pages, and orientation of pages
    • Pan Mode - Allow you to drag the page up and down
    • Zoom Options - Allows you to zoom in and out in the document
    • Fit Page - Fits the document to the entire document viewer window



Article ID: 104810
Wed 4/8/20 1:22 PM
Mon 4/13/20 7:27 AM