My Courses Widget


This is an article describing the functionality of the My Courses widget.



The My Courses widget uses tile-based images to make finding your courses easier. The My Courses widget can be found on the D2L My Home page by scrolling to past the Announcements.

D2L will attempt to automatically display the courses that are most relevant to you. Up to 12 courses tiles will be displayed. Students can also search through all of their current, past and future courses to manually pin and unpin courses to ensure that your most relevant courses are visible in the D2L My Courses widget.

Pinning and Unpinning Courses

To pin a course to your My Courses widget, follow these steps:

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the D2L My Home page to find the My Courses widget.
  2. Find a course you wish to pin. This is done in one of two ways:
    1. Scroll through the list of courses until you find the course you want, or
    2. Use the search mechanism to find the course you wish to pin.
      Note: The search option becomes available after you click the link to View all Courses link at the bottom of the widget.This is a screenshot of the Fine course search box in the my courses widget. it is highlighted by a red rectangle box.
  3. Point at the course you wish to pin with your mouse. An ellipsis appears in the top right corner of the course.
  4. Click the ellipsis to view the drop-down menu.
    Thi sis an image of a course tile in the my courses widget. It is highlighting an three dot ellipsis with a red square around it.
  5. Select Pin from the drop-down menu. 
    *Courses can also be unpinned by clicking the ellipsis in the top right corner of a pinned course in the My Courses widget and selecting Unpin.

Note: We recommend unpinning courses after each semester ends to help ensure you find your upcoming courses.

View All Courses

Clicking View All Courses in the My Courses widget will take you to a new search window. The search window consists of a search field and a list of all of your current, past course and future enrollment tiles.

Important Notes:

  • Unpinned D2L courses that have Closed will be removed from the main My courses widget tile view.
  • All current, past and future enrollments will be displayed in the View All Courses pop out window.
  • Closed courses will display greyed out and unable to entered.
  • Future courses will also display greyed out and unable to be entered until the course start date has passed.
  • A count of all your current, past and future enrollments will be displayed next to the View All Courses link.

This is a screenshot of the my courses widget highlighting the View All Courses link at the bottom of the widget. It is highlighted with a red rectangle around it.This is a screenshot of the All Courses window in the My Courses widget.

Start and End Dates

The My Courses widget also provides information regarding the courses start date and end date. The My Courses widget tile date information will change depending on when you are viewing the tile.

Prior to the official start date of a course, the My Courses widget tile will display the course's start date and time.
This is an image of the My Courses widget tile highlighting the start date with a red rectangle box.

During the course, the My Courses widget tile will display when the course end date and time.
This is an image of the My Courses widget tile highlighting when the course will end with a red rectangular box.

After the course has ended, the My Courses widget tile will display the date and time when the course has ended as well as a new Closed label above the course offering name. Closed courses will display greyed out and unable to entered.
This is an image of a My Courses widget tile highlighting the course has ended and is now closed. These are highlighted with two red rectangular boxes around the end date and the closed bubble.

Searching, Filtering, Sorting and Advanced Search

Students can always scroll through the My Courses widget course list to look for the courses they want to pin. If the list is too long, students can enter the name of the course, semester, or any other piece of course identifying information in the Find a course box to search for courses.This is an screenshot of the find a course search box. It is highlighted with a red rectangular outline


To narrow the amount of course tiles in the My Courses widget search, students can use the Filters and Sort options to control the visibility of their search results. Filters will limit the amount of courses displayed in the My Courses widget to quickly find a specific course using some of the predefined options.

Filtering currently contains the following options:

  • Semester
  • Department
  • Roles

This is a screenshot of the filtering options in the my courses widget. The options in the the dropdown are highlighted by a red rectangle. They options include semester, department, and roles.


To organize the order of courses in the search list, students can use the Sort option.

Sorting contains the following options:

  • Course Name
  • Course Code
  • Date Pinned
  • Last Accessed
  • Enrollment Date

This is a screenshot of the my courses widget sorting options. There is a drop down list highlighted with a red rectangle that contains the options for course name, course code, date pinned, last accessed, enrollment date.

Advance Filtering

The My Courses widget also offers advance filtering. Advance filtering provides several additional options to further refine search criteria.

Advance course search contains the following options:

  • Role
  • Semester
  • Department
  • Course Start date
  • Course End date
  • Status (Active or Not Active)

This is a screenshot of the Advance Course search window. It contains information to search on including roles, semester, departments, course start dates, course end date and status.

Course Tile Organization

The course tiles in the My Courses widget are organized in the following way.

50 or less enrollments:

  1. Pinned courses (Oldest pin to newest, from left to right)

  1. Current enrollments (Newest to oldest, from left to right)

  1. Future enrollments (Newest to oldest, from left to right)

51 or More enrollments:

  1. Pinned courses (Oldest pin to newest, from left to right)

  1. 12-last accessed courses



Article ID: 150957
Mon 4/10/23 4:25 PM
Thu 12/14/23 11:06 AM