Connecting to OCC-Guest Wireless with a Mac


Connecting to the Guest Wireless Access.


  1. Click on your wireless settings at the top of your desktop

  2. Select OCC-Guest from the list of available networks.

  3. Open Safari (Chrome does not work on Mac).  This should bring up the following page.


    *Note If for some reason this page does not come up, please try surfing to a NON-GOOGLE page that you have not visited in the past (example:
  4. Enter Your Name

  5. Enter your Phone Number

  6. Select your Mobile Carrier from the drop-down list

  7. Enter your Email Address.  This will be used as your username going forward.

  8. Check the box to accept the terms of use.
    Click Register

  9. You will see a receipt page.  Click on Log In

  10. You will then be presented with the login screen.  Your username should be filled in for you. 
    Enter the Password you received in the text.

    **NOTE - Safari browser capitalizes the first letter of the input by default. Please check your Password entry to ensure correct input.

  11. Click the box to accept the terms of use.
    Click Log In


    You are now connected to the OCC-Guest network.



Article ID: 52377
Mon 4/23/18 11:10 AM
Thu 12/19/24 2:07 PM

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Thu 5/24/18 10:11 AM