Connecting to OCC-Guest Wireless with Windows


Connecting to the Guest Wireless Access.


  1. Click on your wireless settings in the tool tray at the bottom right of your desktop or the Wi-Fi icon.
  2. Select OCC-Guest from the list of available networks.

  3. A browser should open up automatically. If one does not pop up, open a browser.
    Leave the username and password blank and click on “Or register for guest access

  4. Enter your First name, Last name, Email address, Mobile number, and select phone provider
    Person being visited and reason for visit is not required
    Select I agree to the terms and conditions
    Click Register

  5. You will receive a text message and email from with a new login and password to input. The process can time out if the text message or email take too long to generate.
    Click Sign On. If you receive any errors after this point you can always restart here since your new sign on username and password will still be valid.

  6. On the Acceptable Use Policy page, click Accept

  7. On the Device Registration page, click No, skip registration


  8. On the Welcome Message page, click Continue


    You are now connected




Article ID: 54731
Thu 5/31/18 11:59 AM
Thu 12/19/24 2:07 PM

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