Cyber Security Awareness - Malware


Malware is a general term for any software that can interrupt computer operations, gather sensitive information, or gain access to a system of computers. Malware may include computer viruses, worms, trojan horses, ransomware, spywear, adware, and scareware to name a few.



Malware is a general term for any software that can interrupt computer operations, gather sensitive information, or gain access to a system of computers. Malware may include computer viruses, worms, trojan horses, ransomware, spywear, adware, and scareware to name a few.

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Stay safe. Stay secure. Keep your anti-virus program updated.

Keep a Clean Machine

Either way you look at it, nobody wants these types of creepy crawlers in their computers, so here are some quick tips on how to prevent infections.


  • Upgrade from unsupported Operating Systems like Windows XP.
  • Enable "automatic updates" for your operating system, antivirus, and other programs that support the automatic update feature.
    • Some programs don't support automatic updates so you may need to manually check those programs.
    • After updating antivirus and anti-malware tools, be sure to perform a full scan of your device.
      • New updates may detect something that was previously missed.
  • Most attacks can be stopped by keeping your computer software and operating system current.

When in Doubt, Throw It Out

  • Links in email, tweets, posts, and online advertising are often the means attackers use to infiltrate computers.
  • If it looks suspicious, throw it out.

Protect All Devices Connected to the Internet

  • Not only computers, but gaming systems, smartphones, and other web-enabled devices need protection as well from viruses and malware.

Plug and Scan

  • USB devices and other external devices can be infected by malware. Enable your computer's software to automatically scan these devices to detect malware when you first connect them to your computer, or perform a manual scan on all removable devices if this option isn't available.

Be Wary of Free Internet

  • Public location hotspots can have infected computers on them and in turn can infect your computer by simply connecting to the hotspots.
  • Follow the above steps and don't connect to hotspots unless it's absolutely necessary.
  • If you do need to connect to public location hotspot, limit the type of business you conduct.

For more information on how to prevent infections, visit the Stop Think Connect website.

Don't know what kind of Antivirus program to purchase? PC Magazine combined a list from 6 independent labs to create a great articles regarding the best Antivirus for the year.

Many thanks to the University of Georgia's Office of Information Security department for allowing us to use their image concepts for our campaign to help combat cybercrime. It is this type of shared governance and shared responsibility that will hopefully slow down the attackers and create a safer environment for us all.



Article ID: 11970
Wed 3/30/16 10:18 AM
Thu 2/22/24 9:06 AM

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