Identity Theft
Identity Theft is defined as the fraudulent acquisition and use of an individual's personally identifying information, usually for financial gain. Key pieces of personally identifying information include such items as social security, insurance, or driver's license numbers. Thieves who steal such information may then use it to obtain credit, merchandise, or medical drugs and services, all in the name of the victim.

- Cancel unused credit cards
- Never needlessly carry around your social security card, passport or birth certificate
- Never write down PIN numbers or passwords
- Order and review your credit report at least once a year
- Review your financial statement immediately and report any unauthorized purchases
Helpful Information
Here are some common examples of identity theft scenarios and how they play out:
- Tax-Related Identity Theft
- Child Identity Theft
- Medical Identity Theft
Because security doesn't stop at a strong password, it takes multiple layers to keep us all safe.
Visit the links below to learn how to you protect your identity.
- How To Keep Your Personal Information Secure
- Disposing of Old Computers
- Disposing of Mobile Devices
- Signs of Identity Theft
- Immediate Steps to Repair Identity Theft