When a meeting has many participants, it can be hard to pay attention to the presenter. By using Pinning and Multi-Pinning you can highlight presenters so they are easy to see and understand.
Here's How
Do This Step First: Update or Install the Latest Zoom Client
Even though you may not have a Zoom account, you will need to download and install the most recent version of Zoom to make sure you have access in your OCC Zoom classroom meetings to the latest features, including pinning.
Pinning can be used to highlight a speaker or participant so they are easy to see. Usually, Zoom will switch the main video to the person that is currently speaking, however, when pinning someone, Zoom will lock their video in place in your view so it doesn't disappear when someone else speaks. For the steps, here's how.
When someone is sharing their screen, only the pinned person's video will be guaranteed to be visible. The video and screen share can be re-sized by selecting the two vertical lines in-between and dragging left or right. Note: This can only be done on a PC or Mac but not on a mobile device.

Multi-Pinning to Add More Your View
Multi-Pinning works the same way as Pinning does. The only difference between the two is Multi-Pinning allows you to pin up to nine other people. By default, only the host and co-hosts have access to the Multi-Pinning feature. However, both the host (likely your instructor) or a co-host can give you rights to use to Multi-Pinning.
If you need to pin more than one person to your view in a Zoom meeting, ask the host (likely your instructor) or a co-host to give you rights to use Multi-Pinning.Once given access here's how to Multi-Pin.