Your instructor may leave feedback on your Assignment Submissions in D2L. There may be reasons why you are not able to see feedback. Refer to the article, "Common Reasons for Not Seeing Feedback on Assignment Folders." After you have reviewed these reasons, here are steps to help you with viewing feedback on an Assignment Folder in D2L.
Your instructor may leave feedback on your assignment submissions in D2L.
There may be reasons why you are not able to see feedback. Refer to the article, Common Reasons for Not Seeing Feedback on Assignment Folders. After you have reviewed these reasons, here are steps to help you with viewing feedback on an Assignment Folder in D2L.
Here's How
- Once you enter your course, click Assignments found on the navigation bar.

- On the Assignment Submission Folders page, locate the assignment folder (e.g. Assignment 1) and click on View in the Feedback column.
Note: If your instructor has not left feedback (e.g. score or submission feedback comments) on your submission, you will not see the View link.
- In the Feedback section, you will find any scores or feedback submitted by your instructor.

Note: Your instructor may include feedback as attached files such as a paper with markups or an audio file recording. You have the option to Download All Files to save audio and text files for viewing off line. Any questions regarding the feedback provided should be directed to your instructor.
Note: Occasionally, your instructor posts feedback regarding your Assignment submissions to Grades instead of posting to your assignment submission.
- Click Done when finished.