Frequently Asked Questions and System Requirements - D2L Students


With D2L you can access online course materials and activities, as well as collaborate with your instructor and other students from your home, office or anywhere with an Internet connection. From your mobile device, stay current with assignment changes as D2L's Mobile Web provides instant access to campus news, announcements, events and deadlines the minute they are posted.



With D2L you can access online course materials and activities from your home, office, or anywhere with an Internet connection.

OCC also has a dedicated D2L technical support team which is available 24 x 7 x 365 to help you with questions specific to D2L. See the below articles for information regarding how to obtain help.

Listed below are some general FAQs that will help you with questions you may have regarding the system.

Frequently Asked Questions

Course Information

Help! I don't see my courses listed in D2L. What do I do?

Did you complete your registration?

Here is a step-by-step guide on How register for courses at OCC.

Did you register today?
  • Yes, I registered today.
    • Wait 1 business day for your enrollment to be added to D2L.
  • No, it has been at least 1 days since I registered.
    • Check the dates for the course section.
      • The course will appear in D2L from the Select a course dropdown menu 7 days before the MyOCC start date.
      • The course will disappear in D2L from the Select a course dropdown menu 10 days after the MyOCC end date.
How to view your class schedule.
  1. Log in to your MyOCC account.
  2. From the Self-Service homepage, select Student Planning.
  3. A calendar view of your schedule for the current semester will appear on the bottom-half of the screen.
  4. To view a different semester, select Go to Plan & Schedule.
  5. Use arrows to select the semester.
  6. Your registered and planned sections will appear on the left side of the screen. A calendar display of your schedule will appear on the right side of the screen. Please note that a planned section is not registered yet. You must select the Register to complete registration for a section.
  7. Selecting Meeting Information will provide details about class days, times and meeting locations.

How do I know if my course is in D2L?

Each Fall, Winter, or Summer semester course section will have a D2L course site available to access. Contact your instructor if you have questions about your D2L course.

Who do I contact for questions I have about course materials?

Contact your instructor if you have questions regarding your course's content, materials, due dates, etc.

How do I use D2L?

Oakland Community College offers a free Online Learning Readiness course to students who want to learn the basics about D2L. To enroll, follow the steps under the section Access and Complete the Course.

You can also review OCC's Knowledge Base for how-to documents.

General Information

Help! What does this error mean? "No login. Either you have failed to login or your login has expired."

This is an error message indicating that your D2L session was ended due to inactivity. An inactivity timeout of 180 minutes (3 hours) has been set for OCC's D2L system. If you are logged into the system and remain idle (navigate to no new pages) for longer than 3 hours, the system will automatically log you out. If you attempt any function in OCC's D2L system and have been logged out due to inactivity, you will receive the following message: No login. Either you have failed to login or your login has expired. To continue using OCC's D2L system, you would have to log in again.

Note: Any unsaved information will have been lost and is not recoverable due to the inactivity and the resulting end of session.


Where do I go to get help with logging into D2L?

D2L uses your OCC Okta username and password to log you into the system. If you do not remember your OCC user name, you can find it here: "What's my user name?"

Password Reset

How do I reset my OCC password?

Reset your OCC Okta password on your own or contact the OCC Student Technical Helpdesk at 248.341.2300 for assistance.

Frequently Used Terms and Definitions


D2L is the system used by OCC to deliver online and hybrid courses as well as materials and activities for some face to face courses. Sometimes you may hear OCC's D2L system referred to as Brightspace by D2L.


Learning Environment: Term used by the company D2L to define their learning management system.


Learning Management System: a web-based application used to organize and distribute digital materials used in course work, assignments, and assessments; track and calculate grades; and facilitate communication among students and teachers. OCC's LMS is D2L.


Where can I find information regarding D2L's web accessibility compliance?

Currently Oakland Community College uses the D2L Learning Environment. To review accessibility information regarding the Learning Environment, visit D2L's Accessibility Standards Compliance page.

Do you have an example of how D2L works with the JAWS screen reader?

Review the D2L Screen Reader Tips.

Supported Browsers

What browsers are supported and compatible with OCC's D2L learning management system?

Review the Brightspace platform requirements for an updated list on what browsers and versions are currently supported by D2L.

D2L also has a system checker to test if your device meets the necessary requirements to use D2L.

Supported Assignment File Formats

What are the supported file types submission in D2L Assignments?

Review the following file types that are supported in D2L assignments.

D2L Helpdesk

Help is available to D2L students experiencing technical problems with the D2L system. The D2L Helpdesk is available 24 by 7 including weekends and holidays 855.772.1235 (toll free).

The helpdesk cannot assist with:

  • questions about your course, grades or course materials; contact your instructor
  • password resets
  • problems with your text books or publisher materials

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To ensure the best possible experience in D2L, please make sure your browser or mobile technology is using the minimum requirements listed in the document.
This quick guide covers how to log in to D2L starting Summer 2023.