Why Do I Get A “Not Authorized” Error Message When Trying To Send Emails In D2L?


Are you experiencing the following error when trying to use email in D2L?

Not authorized
Error: Not authorized
You are not authorized to view the page you are trying to reach.
If you believe you encountered this page in error, and that you should have access to the resource you are trying to access, contact technical support.

Here's Why

If you get a “not authorized” error message when you try to send an email through the Classlist tool in D2L, it’s likely because you started a quiz but did not submit it. The reason for this is that the instructor configured the quiz to disable the emailing function whenever you start a quiz, and it remains disabled until you submit it.

The first thing you should do when you receive this error message is check to see if you have a quiz attempt still in progress. The best way to do this is by clicking on the Update Alerts icon, which is located at the very top of every page in D2L.
D2L Alert

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