System Availability
Brightspace by D2L (D2L)
D2L Publisher Integrations
Icon Legend
No Issue
Available but End of Life
Not Yet Available
No Longer Available
Scheduled Maintenance that may be Impactful
Assignment Grader (D2L) - 09/2020
Binder (D2L)- 05/31/2019
e-Rater (Turnitin) - 12/31/2024
NetTutor - 02/2023
SMS Notifications (D2L) - 07/25/2024
TechSmith Knowmia Media Service - 02/27/2022
Ally completed their planned maintenace. All services restored.
On Feb, 8 2025 at 12:00 AM EST. Ally will be performing some planned maintenance to apply necessary upgrades to our databases in all regions. The estimated duration is 9 hours and 30 minutes.
During the maintenance window, the Institutional Report will be unavailable. All other Ally features, including Course Reporting, Instructor Feedback, Configuration UI and Alternative Formats may be delayed or unavailable for short periods of time.
As of 9:00 AM EST Ally has resolved the issue.
At about 7:00 AM EST, Ally is undergoing unscheduled maintenance. During this time Users may encounter slowness in processing and scoring HTML files.
As of 2:14 PM. Ally has completed their unscheduled maintenance. All service has been restored.
As of 12:56 PM EST, Ally is undergoing some unscheduled maintenance. During this time Ally remains available but there may be delays in processing new content items and generating alternative formats.
As of 8:27 AM EST Ally has completed it's scheduled maintenance. All service has been restored.
On 10/21/2023 from 2:00 AM - 9:00 AM EST, Ally will be undergoing scheduled maintenance. During this time Ally features including Course Reporting and Alternative Formats may be delayed or unavailable for short periods of time. Ally will still be handling new files, however processing may also be delayed during this maintenance period.
Ally has been deployed to a small number of pilot faculty and their D2L course sites.
Brightspace by D2L (D2L)
Important Note
D2L has retired SMS Notifications as of July 25 2024.
D2L originally built this using a technology service available from most providers, email to SMS. Now, this service is being deprecated by providers and we are experiencing not only inconsistent delivery times but also large-scale outages at some of the largest mobile providers in North America.
For additional information regarding the change, navigate to the D2L community article, Intent to EOL SMS Notifications.
There are some instances of user emails on November 26th, between the hours of 7:00AM and 5:00PM that had been removed or altered from the D2L Classlists. During that time, you may have experienced some features unavailable.
By 1:00PM, November 26, 2024, the OCC IT Department reported the majority of the impact emails had been corrected. Final corrections were completed by 5:00 PM.
There are some instances of user emails that have been removed or altered from the D2L Classlists. During this time, you may experience some features unavailable.
OCC’s IT Department is aware of the issue and currently working toward a resolution. They anticipate an update by 1:00pm today, November 26, 2024.
10/24/2023 - 10/25/2023
10/26/23 9:15AM: OCC's IT department has addressed the connection issues impacting D2L logins. D2L logins were impacted intermittently between 10:00PM, Tuesday, October 24, 2023, and 3:15PM, Wednesday, October 25, 2023.
10/25/23 8:00AM:The D2L system is available, however, D2L logins (faculty and students) are noted to be impacted intermittently as a result of the IT connection issues.
OCC's IT is continuing to experience intermittent connection issues. Currently, no estimated time of resolution (ETR). The current connection issues started approximately 10:00PM, Tuesday, October 24, 2023, and are ongoing.
If you experience an error when attempting to login, please try again a few minutes later.
OCC's IT department experienced connection issues between 10:30AM and 1:00PM Eastern. Though the D2L system was up and available, IT's connection issues impacted faculty/staff and students ability to access the authentication form. Consequently, it was not possible to log into D2L during this period.
From 4:22 PM EST until 4:35 PM EST, D2L was undergoing some unscheduled maintenance. During this time D2L may of been intermittently unavailable. All service has been restored.
As of 8:30 PM EST, D2L has completed their unscheduled maintenance. All service has been restored.
As of 7:34 PM EST, is currently undergoing some unscheduled maintenance. During this time
The D2L system is experiencing intermittent issues. Though the system may be available and users able to login, areas of the system may error out.
D2L is aware and working on the problem.
D2L has advised that issue causing significant delays in the receipt of emails to or from an account has been resolved.
D2L emails sent on 2/22/22 to or from an email address may not have been received.
D2L emails to or from users' accounts with an email address occasionally being received. OCC's IT team and the D2L vendor are aware and investigating the issue.
As of 6:57 AM EST, it has been reported that emails sent via D2L to or from an email address are not being received. Currently, ATG is working with IT to resolve this issue. Emails sent from D2L by a user with an account are being received by other accounts.
D2L has confirmed the cause of the outage has been mitigated.
The D2L system was unavailable approximately between 7:15AM and 7:50AM on 12/22/21. D2L is still investigating the incident and advises that some system slowness or intermittent system availability could be experienced.
D2L has reported the service impacting incident has been resolved.
Most of AWS are recovered or are recovering, however, there are still some failing AWS services impacting D2L services. You should find marked improvement in your D2L experience overall. The vendor continues to actively work on the issue.
D2L has advised of a service degradation starting around 10:49AM. Course Content, Quick Eval, and other functionality in the D2L system may be unavailable or slow to load. D2L is actively working on the issue.
2:00PM Eastern, the vendor, D2L, has advised that the system issues have been resolved.
1:42PM Eastern, though the D2L system platform is more responsive, OCC has not received confirmation that the system issues have been resolved. Thank you for your continued patience.
As of 10:14AM Eastern, the D2L system has been unavailable or been very slow to respond preventing faculty and students from performing work in their course sites. The vendor, D2L, is aware of the issue and is working to resolve the issue.
As of 3:25 AM the ability to edit existing content or add new content was unavailable. The issue has been resolved as of 3:40 AM, users can edit existing content and add new content again.
As of 7:50AM, authentication system issues that impacted some OCC systems including D2L have been mitigated.
Starting late last night, some users who had recently reset their MyOCC password may not have been able to authenticate into some OCC systems including D2L.
As of 10:22 AM IT in conjunction with D2L mitigated the authentication issues. There should no longer be any issues with authentication for those who reset their MyOCC password.
As of last night around 8:00PM, servers that manage user authentication experienced some technical problems making it so a small number of users were not able to sign into D2L with their MyOCC password.
D2L will be performing maintenance on December 6th. This will cause SCORM content to be unavailable for 60 to 120 minutes. This is to ensure your site continues to run optimally. Maintenance pages will not be up during the scheduled maintenance window for your sites on December 6th (1am to 7am).
06/01/2020 to 06/05/2020
A recent update in Chrome v.83 made a 3rd party file upload library that is used in Video Note incompatible. During this time users may have experienced an error when trying to upload video files not created using the in-browser Video Note recording. The in-browser recording and viewing functionality of Video Note were not affected. D2L has resolved this issue.
04/09/2020 to 04/29/2020
Some D2L users may not have been able to Instant Message others from the Classlist. D2L resolved this issue on April 29, 2020.
04/23/2020 to 04/24/2020
Document preview functionality in D2L was unavailable. This has been resolved.
04/06/2020 to 04/07/2020
OCC's authentication servers were unavailable between 10:14PM and 3:40AM. This impacted user logins for various OCC systems, including D2L.
02/01/2020 to 02/03/2020
Brightspace experienced a phone system outage from 8:00 PM on 02/01/2020 until 6:00 AM on 02/03/2020. During this time users were unable to reach the D2L support helpdesk via phone. Users were still able to reach D2L help using email or chat. This issue has been resolved.
Brightspace email was intermittently unavailable from 10 to 11 AM today. This issue has been resolved and Brightspace email is working properly now.
The Brightspace website was intermittently unavailable from 2:30 PM to 4:40 PM. This issue has been resolved and the website is working properly now.
The Brightspace website was unavailable for 6 minutes from 4:29 PM to 4:35 PM. This issue has been resolved and the website is working properly now.
There was an issue identified when using Google Chrome version 75 with Brightspace. Any 'upload files' or 'insert' functionality in D2L was not working properly. D2L has provided a hotfix to address this Chrome defect and everything is working properly now.
OCC experienced technical difficulties which also resulted in D2L login issues for users who changed their MyOCC password on 3/25 or prior but did not log into D2L with the new password before 11:45AM on 3/25. OCC restored services around 12:22PM on 3/25. D2L users who were impacted by the OCC outage were then able login successfully to D2L with their new MyOCC password.
03/09/2019 to 3/11/2019
A recent OCC server auto-update may have caused authentication issues for students and/or staff who changed their MyOCC username and/or password after 3/8/19, or those who did not log into D2L after changing their MyOCC password prior to 3/9/19. Some D2L users may not have been able to log into D2L with their new MyOCC credentials. IT resolved the authentication issue around 1:15PM on 3/11/19.
D2L reported the infrastructure event that impacted D2L email services between 7:00PM on 03/04/19 and 2:20AM on 03/05/19 has been resolved. D2L instructors and students may have experienced a delay in receiving emails sent from the D2L system.
The D2L Student Helpdesk phone lines were down between 2:00PM and 3:30PM. Users were still able to contact D2L support by email or logging into D2L and clicking the link found in the Student Support widget.
08/27/2018 - 08/28/2018
Users may have experienced performance issues between 10:30 PM 08/27/2018 and 1:30 AM 08/28/2018.
Users experienced intermittent issues accessing the D2L between 11:15 AM and 11:30 AM.
Between May 3 and 6, 2018, D2L was upgraded to a new look and feel called the Daylight Experience.
Users may have experienced issues logging in and/or performance issues while navigating the site between 10:00 AM and 11:00 AM.
11/24/2017 - 12/29/2017
A number of students and instructors have reported experiencing an issue when trying to access the D2L system using their mobile device. The following error message is displayed: There was an error processing the page you requested. D2L acknowledged this behavior as a bug and corrected the problem with December’s updates 12/29/17
Work around: Use the latest version of Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Chrome or Safari from a workstation or laptop to access D2L and avoid using mobile devices to access the system.
The Course Access feature, found under User Progress, is a new feature activated in D2L on 10/26/17. Per D2L, the data being displayed would include data from 10/26/17 and forward. Consequently, the tool is working as designed and the data delivered is not inaccurate or incomplete.
Users experienced intermittent issues accessing the Learning Environment between noon and 3pm.
Server updates resulting in authentication issues for various OCC systems including D2L. Users who never logged into D2L and users who had changed their password late 8/23 through the afternoon of 8/24 would not have been able to log into D2L with the new password. Resolution: 8/24 at 2:45PM EST.
02/09/2017 - 02/11/2017
Users experienced intermittent issues accessing the Learning Environment. D2L suggested to refresh their browsers if they encounter connectivity errors.
10/19/2016 - 11/08/2016
Due to complications related to the recent SQL migration, course site creation and enrollments are not being updated in D2L on schedule. The D2L system mirrors the MyOCC rosters at the end of the following business day rather than the start of the business day. OCC is working toward correcting the issue.
10/14/2016 - 10/18/2016
Oakland Community College is performing a system upgrade on the MyOCC environment. As a result, no automatic updates will be sent to the D2L system until the MyOCC system is back online.
08/20/2016 - 08/21/2016
Emails sent from D2L to faculty, staff, or students to their OCC email were not being received. The issues were resolved on 8/22/16.
Visit Honorlock's system status page for additional information regarding the current operational status of Honorlock.
From 11:16 AM EST until 2:37 PM EST, Honorlock's 3rd party chat provider under went unscheduled maintance. During this time users may of been unable to begin a chat or connect with an agent. All functionality has been restored.
From 4:37 PM EST until 5:49 PM EST, Honorlock received reports that some users are having trouble installing the Honorlock Extension. All services have since been restored.
From 8:37 PM EST, until 9:38 PM EST, Honorlock experienced an unplanned service interruption that lasted approximately one hour. The following sessions and/or services were impacted during this specific time frame:
- Exam takers attempting to start an exam were unable to do so successfully.
- Exam takers who had already progressed through Honorlock’s authentication process, and did not proceed to relaunch their web camera during the assessment, were able to remain in their exam successfully. However, these respective exam sessions were not monitored by Honorlock’s AI.
- Exam takers who had already progressed through Honorlock’s authentication process, but proceeded to relaunch their web camera during the assessment, were not proctored for the remainder of their respective exam session.
- Exam administrators who attempted to access Honorlock’s LTI were unable to do so successfully.
All services have since been restored.
From 8:43 PM EST until 8:59 PM EST, Honorlock was undergoing unscheduled maintenance. During this time users may of experienced issues taking and proctoring exams. All service has been restored.
As of 7:28 PM EST, Honorlock has stated that the incident has been resolved. All functionality has been restored.
At approximately 4:58 PM EST, HonorLock systems indicated a service disruption for exam takers. Exam takers would experience error messages and timeouts when attempting to navigate through or start their exams. Some exam takers were seeing success by restarting their exam.
As of 9:12 pm EST, Honorlock has stated that the incident has been resolved. All functionality has been restored and users can begin exams without issue.
At approximately 7:00 pm EST, Honorlock systems indicated a service disruption that prevented users from continuing an exam or beginning a new one.
Visit Panopto's system status page for additional information regarding the current operational status of Panopto.
For additional information regarding Panopto system maintenance and system notifications, visit Panopto's FAQ section to receive answers to several common questions regarding system maintenance.
As of 11:02 AM EST, Panopto has finished their unscheduled maintenance. All service has been restored.
As of 10:17 EM EST, Panopto is undergoing unscheduled maintenance. During this time Panopto may not be available.
From 6:55 AM EST until 7:45 AM EST, Panopto underwent unscheduled maintance. During this time users were unable to access the site or it's services. All service has been restored.
From 1:23 PM EST until 1:45 PM EST, Panopto underwent unscheduled maintance. During this time users were unable to access the service meaning they were unable to access Panopto, nor view, edit or upload new recordings. All service has been restored.
As of 3:03 PM EST, Panopto identified the source of the performance degradation and it has been mitigated. Processing times have returned to normal. Panopto cloud operations team is monitoring performance metrics to ensure the issue is resolved.
As 11:45 AM EST, Panopto is experiencing performance degradation in video processing.
As of 6/6/2024 Panopto has deployed a hotfix. All functionality has been restored.
As of 3:06 PM EST, Panopto advised that they recently discovered an issue with the recent release of Panopto 14.20 on 5/30/2024. Video playback statistics for the minutes delivered are not recorded if the browser tab loses focus of the window containing the viewer (user switches tabs or rearranges windows in a way that hides the browser window containing the viewer). Even if the viewer is only hidden for a brief period of time, playback statistics will no longer be recorded for that user’s view of the video unless the video is refreshed by reloading the page. Panopto is currently working on a fix to address the issue.
As of 10:48 PM EST, Panopto has finished their unscheduled maintenance. All functionality has been restored.
As of 10:31 AM EST, Panopto is undergoing unscheduled maintenance. During this time users may experience increased errors when viewing Panopto videos. No ETA on when this will be resolved has not been disclosed yet.
As of 3:43 PM EST, Panopto has finished their unscheduled maintenance. All service has been restored.
As of 7:46 AM EST, Panopto is undergoing unscheduled maintenance. During this time users may encounter an increased error rate when viewing Panopto videos and when students make submissions. Panopto is currently working to restore service but do not currently have an ETA.
At 8:00 AM EST, Panopto reported an operational issue during a system maintenance rebooted a database server causing an outage in the Panopto NA Cloud. As of 12/28 at 12:15 PM the system is operating normally.
As 11:19 AM EST, Panopto is reporting that the system is operating normally.
As of 5:04 PM EST, the Panopto maintenance has successfully completed. They are monitoring the systems performance.
As of 3:24 PM EST Panopto is undergoing unscheduled maintenance. During this time Panopto may intermittently be unavailable.
As of 1:27 PM EST, Panopto states that the system has remained stable and they have resolved their unscheduled maintenance.
As of 12:13 PM EST, Panopto has restored service. They are monitoring the systems performance.
As of 12:00 PM EST, Panopto has been undergoing unscheduled maintenance. During this time Panopto may not be available.
As of 10:31 PM EST, Panopto has completed their maintenance. All service has been restored.
On 07/11/2023 from 8:30 PM EST, until 11:30 PM EST Panopto will be performing some system maintenance. During this time Panopto expects up to 10 minutes of down time during this time frame.
As of 6:03 PM EST, Panopto has mitigated the issue.
As of 2:55 PM EST, Panopto is undergoing unscheduled maintenance. During this time when users attempt to share videos with others it may appear to successfully be shared but actually did not.
As of 1:34 PM EST, Panopto has resolved the partial service disruption.
As of 9:44 AM EST, Panopto is experiencing a partial service disruption. During this time users may experience an increased number of errors when editing their recordings.
As of 9:04 AM EST, Panopto has stated that the service disruption has been mitigated. All service has been restored.
As of 6:45 AM EST, Panopto is experiencing a service disruption. During this time users may encounter issues accessing all of Panopto's services.
As of 1:31 AM EST Panopto has finished their maintenance. All service has been restored.
Panpopto will be down briefly as they perform system maintenance. Panopto estiamets that the system will be down from 1:00 AM EST until 1:10 AM EST. During this time Panopto will be unavailable.
From 07/31/2022 at 11:32 PM EST, until 07/01/2022 at 12:55 AM EST, Panopto was performing unscheduled maintenance. As a result users may of run into issues searching for content in Panopto. All service has been restored.
As of Saturday, June 25 2022, at 10:43PM Panopto has finished deploying their latest updates and improvements. Additionally, all service has been restored.
On Saturday, June 25 2022, the Panopto Cloud will be updated with the latest features and improvements. These updates will require downtime. We expect up to 3 hours of downtime, with a target start time of 9:00pm EDT.
Panopto has reported an incident from 12:30 PM EST until 3:40 PM EST, where users would have been unable to add new videos to their LMS course sites. They have resolved the issue and restored service.
As of 3:45 PM EST, it has been reported that some users have had success in posting Panopto content to D2L course sites.
As of 3:00 PM EST, it has been brought to our attention that currently faculty may be unable to post videos to their D2L course sites. Once we have additional information we will provide additional updates.
January 8 2022 at 9:00 PM EST, Panopto will be updating their system with the latest features and improvements. These updates will require some downtime. They estimate that the system will be down for 4 hours.
If you are an OCC instructor and Respondus is prompting you for an installation password, please contact for the key.
Scheduled maintenance windows are the first and third Saturdays of each month between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm. All Turnitin services and related websites (Turnitin, OriginalityCheck, and GradeMark) may be unavailable during scheduled maintenance windows.
Faculty may reach out to an
Instructional Technologist for assistance or
Turnitin Support directly.
Visit Turnitin's
System Status page for more updates. You will want to look for Turnitin's LMS Integration and Feedback Studio specific news.
Important Note: Turnitin e-Rater
Turnitin's relationship with ETS and their e-Rater grammar service will be terminating. Users will not be able to use e-Rater after December 31, 2024.
As of 1:18 PM EST, Turnitin has completed their scheduled system maintenance. All service has been restored.
As of 5:46 AM EST on 12/09, Turnitin has reported that they have resolved the issues. All service has been restored.
As of 1:00 PM EST on 12/07, it was reported that Turnitin was experiencing issues. Additional updates to be provided as we know more.
As of November 17th it has been reported that the issue where QuickMark descriptions are not viewable to students and instructors has been resolved.
At 1:19 PM EST, it was reported that the issue with QuickMark issue where students and instructors are unable to see the descriptions of QuickMarks. The issue has been escalated to Turnitin. Additional updates to be provided as we know more.
As of 5:37 AM EST, Turnitin has resolved the issue where students and instructors were unable to view QuickMark descriptions. All service has been restored.
At 6:35 PM EST, ATG received reports that Turnitin QuickMark descriptions are not displaying for any users (students or faculty). A case has been opened with Turnitin support to fix the issue. We will provide more updates as soon as we have more information.
As of 8:56 PM EST, Turnitin has resolved this issue. All functionality has been restored.
As of 10:25 AM EST, we have received reports that users are experiencing an error when trying to enable Turnitin for a new assignment in D2L. We are escalating this issue to Turnitin and will provide an update as soon as we have more information.
As of 3:15 PM EST, Turnitin has concluded their unscheduled maintenance. All service has been restored.
As of 12:52 PM EST, Tunritin is undergoing unscheduled maintenance. During this time you may encounter slowness and errors when accessing service results and submitting reports.
As of 4:17 PM EST, Turnitin has completed their scheduled maintenance. All service has been restored.
As of 8:00 AM EST, Turnitin has begun their scheduled maintenance. Turnitin services may not bee available at this time.
As of 12:44 PM EST, Turnitin has completed their unscheduled maintenance. All functionality has been restored.
As of 11:27 AM EST, Turnitin is undergoing some unscheduled maintenance. During this time users may intermittently find that Similarity Reports are stuck processing, or experience issues in downloading a copy of a Similarity Report and/or digital receipt.
Between 6:06 AM and 8:10 AM EST, Turnitin performed unscheduled maintenance due to degraded performance. During this time users may of experienced slowness when accessing their services. All service has been restored.
As of 12:28 PM EST, Turnitin has completed their unscheduled maintenance. All service has been restored.
As of 9:58 AM EST, Turnitin is undergoing unscheduled maintenance. During this time, users may experience slowness when uploading submissions as well as delayed report generation.
From 6:00 AM EST, until 8:00 AM EST, Turnitin underwent some unscheduled maintenance. During this time you may of found delays with the Similarity Report. All service has been restored.
As of 3:25 PM EST, Turnitin has completed their unscheduled maintenance. All service has been restored.
As of 2:04 AM EST, Turnitin is undergoing unscheduled maintenance. During this time Similarity Reports may experiences slowness when being generated.
As of 4:31 PM EST, Turnitin has completed their scheduled maintenance. All service has been restored.
Reports of the issue regarding the AI writing detection tool seem to have been resolved.
Reports of the AI writing detection tool found in the Feedback Studio being unavailable has been reported. Turnitin is investigating.
Between 10:00 AM EST and 2:58 PM EST, Turnitin has completed their maintenance. Thank you for your patience. They regret any inconvenience this may have caused if you were impacted by the maintenance.
Recently, instructors reported experiencing problems with being able view their defined QuickMark descriptions when grading student submissions. Students, however, are able to view the defined QuickMark descriptions shared by instructors on the graded papers.
Turnitin Support acknowledged this as a known issue and were working on a resolution.
On 3/10/24, Turnitin Support advised their engineers have deployed a fix.
As of 1:42 PM EST, Turnitin has completed their unscheduled maintenance. All functionality has been restored.
As of 1:17 PM EST, Turnitin is undergoing some unscheduled maintenance. During this time you may encounter errors when attempting to generate the AI report.
As of 3:34 PM EST, Turnitin has completed their maintenance. All service has since been restored.
Turnitin will be conducting maintenance January 27, 2024 from 11:30 AM EST until 3:30 PM EST. During this time Turnitin may be unavailable.
As of 10:05 PM EST, Turnitin advised that service has been restored.
Between 8:00 PM EST and 9:44 PM EST, Turnitin experienced an unexpected service incident. During this time, you may encounter an error when attempting to download Similarity Reports or Digital receipts.
As of today at 8:00 AM EST, Turnitin has informed us that they have implemented a fix for the on going QuickMarks feature. All functionality of the QuickMark feature has been restored.
As of 12:30 PM EST, November 18, 2023 Maintenance has completed. Thank you for your patience.
Turnitin will be conducting maintenance November 18, 2023 from 12:00 PM EST until 12:30 PM EST. During this time Turnitin will be unavailable. We regret any inconvenience this may cause.
Between 8:04 AM EST and 10:16 AM EST, TurnItIn was experiencing an unexpected service incident. During this time, users may have had trouble using Turnitin Feedback Studio. We are pleased to advise that service has been restored.
Between 12:43 PM EST and 6:19 PM EST, TurnItIn experienced an unexpected service incident, users accessing Turnitin via an integration may have experienced difficulties in creating assignments using an external tool. We are pleased to advise that service has been restored.
Between 11:35AM PM EST and 2:58PM PM EST on 10/31/23, Turnitin experienced an unexpected service incident. During this time, users may have had trouble using Turnitin Feedback Studio and its features. All services were restored.
As of 4:33 AM EST, Turnitin has completed their scheduled maintenance. All service has been restored.
On 10/28/2023 at 4:00 AM EST, Turnitin will be performing some maintenance. The maintenance is estimated to take 30 minutes. During this time Turnitin will be unavailable.
From 7:50 AM EST until 9:46 AM EST, Due to an unexpected service incident with one of Turnitin's 3rd party providers, Turnitin Feedback Studio and integration users may have experienced a delay in report generation if Translated Matching has been enabled on the assignment. All service has been restored.
From 6:18 PM EST until 6:30 PM EST, Turnitin underwent some unscheduled maintenance. During this time Turnitin may of been unavailable. All service has since been restored.
From 2:00 AM EST until 4:45 AM EST Turnitin underwent some unscheduled maintenance. During this time downloading Similarity Reports and Submission Receipts may of been unavailable. All Service has been restored.
From 1:49 AM EST until 4:39 AM EST Turnitin underwent some unscheduled maintenance. During this time you may of experienced delay in Similarity Report generation. All service has been restored.
From 6:36 PM EST until 8:44 PM EST Turnitin underwent unscheduled maintenance. During this time the AI Writing Report may of been unavailable. All service has been restored.
From 6:30 PM EST on 6/26/2023 until 1:00 AM EST on 6/27/2023 Turnitin under went unscheduled maintenance. During this time users may of experienced in Similarity report generation. All service has since been restored.
From 6/22/2023 at 9:29 PM EST until 6/23/2023 at 12:24 AM EST, Turnitin under went unscheduled maintenance. During this time OriginalityCheck may of been unavailable. Turnitin has reported that all service has since been restored.
Turnitin will be conducting maintenance January 14, 2023. Turnitin estimates it will take 8 hours to complete. From 12:00 PM EST until 8:00 PM EST, Turnitin will be unavailable.
From 8:14 AM EST until 1:13 PM EST, Turnitin was undergoing unscheduled maintenance. During this time you may have experienced slower Similarity report generation times. All service has been restored.
From 3:26 AM EST until 5:10 AM EST, Turnitin preformed unscheduled maintenance. During this time you may of experienced slower Similarity report generation times. All service has been restored.
From 10:15 AM EST until 4:18 PM EST, TurnItIn was performing unscheduled maintenance. During this time you may have experienced slowness in generating Similarity Reports. All service has been restored.
Starting at 1:28 PM EST Turnitin is undergoing unscheduled maintenance. During this time user's may experience slowness when uploading submissions and delayed Similarity Report generation.
From 5:17 PM EST until, 6:50 PM EST, TurnItIn was performing unscheduled maintenance. During this time you may have experienced service degradation. All service has been restored.
From 1:48 PM EST, until 5:00 PM EST TurnItIn was performing unscheduled maintenance. During this time you may have experienced service degradation. All service has since been restored.
From 11:16 PM EST until 11:34 PM EST TurnItIn was performing unscheduled maintenance. During this time you may have experienced slowness in generating Similarity Reports. All service has been restored.
From 5:19 AM EST until 7:19 AM EST, Turnitin was performing unscheduled maintenance. During this time users may have difficulties accessing Turnitin or Similarity reports may of taken longer to generate. All service has since been restored.
As of 1:30 AM EST, Turnitin has concluded their unscheduled maintenance. All service has been restored.
As of 4:15 PM EST, Turnitin is performing unscheduled maintenance. During this time user may be unable to access Similarity Reports or there may be a delay in the generation of Similarity Reports.
From 6:04 AM EST, until 9:39 AM EST, Turnitin was performing unscheduled maintenance. During this time user may of been unable to access Similarity Reports or there would be a delay in the generation of Similarity Reports. Turnitin has reported all service has been restored.
As of 1:31 PM EST, Turnitin has concluded their unscheduled maintenance. All service has been restored.
As of 7:16 AM EST, Turnitin is undergoing unscheduled maintenance. During this time user's may experience delays in Similarity Report generation.
From 6:12 AM EST until 6:59 AM EST, Turnitin was experiencing a network outage due to a 3rd party network provider. During this time users may of been unable to access Turnitin services, and may have found that Similarity Reports took longer than expected. They have advised that service has been restored.
As of 12:54 AM EST, Turnitin has finished its unscheduled maintenance. Service has been restored.
As of 11:18 PM EST, Turnitin is undergoing unscheduled maintenance. During this time users may be unable to download Similarity reports.
04/06/2022 8:47 AM Turnitin has advised that service has been restored.
04/05/2022 7:06AM - 04/06/2022 8:00AM
04/06/202 08:00AM Turnitin advises that their emergency maintenance is now complete. Turnitin (TII) and all integrations with their services have been restored. TII will continue to monitor system performance. TII extends their apologies for any inconvenience caused during this period.
04/06/2022 7:07AM Turnitin advises the emergency maintenance is taking a little longer than anticipated but states they are making good progress and hope to have this completed shortly. During this time, you may experience intermittent errors interacting with Turnitin Feedback Studio.
04/05/2022 7:06AM Turnitin is currently experiencing an unexpected service incident. During this time, you may experience intermittent errors interacting with Turnitin Feedback Studio. During this time, you may experience intermittent errors interacting with Turnitin Feedback Studio.
From 1:46 AM EST, until 4:28 AM EST, Turnitin users may have experienced submissions take longer to generate Similarity Reports. The issue has since been resolved.
From 8:34 PM EST, until 10:05 PM EST, Turnitin users may have experienced submissions take longer to generate Similarity Reports. The issue has since been resolved.
From 5:35 AM EST, until 7:35 AM EST Turnitin users may have experienced slower than expected Similarity Report generation times. The issue has since been resolved.
From 7:10 AM EST, until 8:07 AM EST Turnitin users may have been unable to submit files or that there was a delay in the generation of the Similarity Report. The issue has since been resolved.
As of 6:28 PM EST. TurnItIn has resolved the delays in the generation of the Similarity Report.
As of 6:04 PM EST. TurnItIn was experiencing delays in the generation of the Similarity Report.
As of 9:54 PM EST, TurnItIn has resolved the delays in the generation of the Similarity Report.
As of 9:15 PM EST, TurnItIn is experiencing delays in the generation of the Similarity Report.
Friday January 7 from 7:00 PM EST until 3:00 AM EST Turnitin will be performing maintenance to its systems. During this time Turnitin Similarity and Feedback Studio may be unavailable.
As of 1:04 PM EST Turnitin is undergoing some unscheduled maintenance. During this time you may find that Similarity Reports will take a longer to generate.
From 4:45 AM EST until 6:04 AM EST due to unscheduled maintenance users may of experienced slower than usual Similarity Report generation while using Turnitin. All service has been restored.
From 6:16 PM EST until 6:46 PM EST, Turnitin users may of been unable to view Similarity reports.
From 5:50 PM EST until 8:01 PM EST, Turnitin users may of experienced a service degradation. As a result, Turnitin users may have been unable to view Similarity reports during this time.
As of 2:23 PM EST, Turnitin has finished their unscheduled maintence. All service has been restored.
As of 1:40 PM EST, Turnitin is performing some unscheduled maintence. During this time Turnitin's Similarity report may be unavalible.
As of 4:42 PM EST, Turnitin has resolved the service degradation. Service has been restored.
As of 3:15 PM EST, Turnitin users may be experiencing a service disruption.
As of 2:52 PM EST, Turnitin has resolved the service degradation issue. Service has been restored.
As of 1:06 PM EST, Turnitin has reported an unexpected service degradation. During this time users may be unable to create Turnitin assignments.
Starting aroung 10:45 AM ET, TurnItin (TII) users may be experiencing a service disruption.
Between 1:35 PM ET and 2:36PM ET, Turnitin was experiencing a service disruption. Turnitin advises this issue has been resolved.
Starting around 1:35PM, Turnitin (TII) users may be experiencing a service disruption. During this time, you may find you are not able to access submissions or view Similarity Reports.
As of 8:23 PM EST Turnitin has resolved their unscheduled maintenance. All service has been restored.
As of 6:02 PM EST Turnitin is performing \ some unscheduled maintenance during this time users may experience an interruption of service.
As of 10:26 PM EST Turnitin has resolved their unscheduled maintenance. All service has been restored.
As of 7:06 PM EST Turnitin is performing some unscheduled maintenance during this time users may be unable to access the service and may be shown a 503 error.
Turnitin will take a 2 hour maintenance window on August 14, 2021 from 11:00 AM EST until 1:00 PM EST. During this time Turnitin will be unavailable.
As of 3:08PM EST Turnitin has finished their unscheduled maintenance and resolved the performance degradation.
At 2:03PM EST Due to unscheduled maintenance Turnitin may be experiencing some sporadic performance degradation.
As of 8:27 AM EST Turnitin has resolved the issue regarding the Similarity Report generation delays.
As of 3:36AM EST Turnitin has implemented a fix for the Similarity Reports generation delay and are continuing to monitor the results.
As of 2:56 AM EST Turnitin's Similarity Report is experiencing generation delays.
As of 2:10PM EST Turnitin has resolved the issue.
As of 10:37PM EST Turnitin is currently experiencing an unexpected service degradation. During this time Similarity Reports may not be generating.
03/12/2021 5:30PM
Turnitin restored all services.
03/12/2021 3:30PM
For all instructors using Turnitin (TII) Feedback Studio, TII restored the ability to submit papers and view similarity scores, access submissions, and use grading tools. Details of student paper matches in the similarity report were not available. Turnitin shares it regrets any inconvenience this may have caused as it continued to investigate and work towards complete service restoration.
03/12/2021 12:30PM
Friday at 12:32 PM, Turnitin reported that they were undergoing Emergency Maintenance. Turnitin services were inaccessible during this period.
Friday at approximately 12:30 PM Turnitin has fixed the issue. The service has been restored.
Friday at approximately 10:51 AM Turinitin was experiencing an unexpected service disruption, users may experience slowness and time-out issues when attempting to download Similarity Reports.
Monday at approximately 2:00 PM EST. Due to an unexpected service disruption, users may have been unable to make a submission or view their Similarity Reports. We are pleased to advise that service has now been restored.
Monday at approximately 12:23 PM EST. A fix had been implemented by Turnitin for the service disruption where users may have found themselves unable to make a submission or view their Similarity Report. Turnitin continued to monitor the situation.
Monday at approximately 11:43 AM EST, Turnitin (TII) users may be experiencing a service disruption. During this time, users may find they are unable to make a submission or view their Similarity Report. Turnitin apologizes for any inconvenience and its engineers are working hard to resolve the issue. Thank you for your patience.
Monday at 12:10PM EST, Turnitin reported services restored.
9:30AM EST, Turnitin users may have experienced an unexpected service degradation. During this time, you may have found that Similarity Reports were slow to generate.
Wednesday at 6:46PM Users of Turnitin as well as those accessing this services via an integration, may have been unable to view submissions and/or Similarity Reports, as well as experienced slowness when accessing the service. We are pleased to announce that this has now been resolved
Wednesday at 10:28 AM, Turnitin is currently experiencing an unexpected service degradation. Users accessing this service via an integration may also be impacted.
During this time, you may find that you are unable to view submissions and/or Similarity Reports.
Thursday, starting approximately at 5:50 AM, Turnitin user may have experienced an unexpected service disruption. During this time, you may have found that Similarity Reports were not being generated. At 2:56 PM, Turnitin reported that service had been restored but some residual slowness may be noted while the backlog of submissions are processed.
Turnitin identified that the issues occurred between 9:40AM and 1:30PM on 10/20/20.
At 11:46 AM Turnitin believes the main issue affecting users logging into the service has been resolved.
Users may experience slowness while using the service as the system recovers.
At 10:01 AM Turnitin is investigating a potential power failure in one of our data centers.
Users accessing or may not be able to access these services.
Users accessing these services via an integration may also be affected. We are currently working to resolve this issue.
Turnitin users may have experienced an unexpected service disruption. During this time, you may have been unable to access Turnitin or experienced degraded performance between 5:00PM and 8:00PM on September, 18, 2020.
Turnitin will take a 30 minute maintenance window on August 15, 2020 from 4:30 PM - 5:00 PM, with the following services being affected during this time: Turnitin SimCheck, Turnitin Similarity, Turnitin Originality.
Turnitin has completed a 6 hour maintenance window on Saturday, August 1, 2020 from 11:00AM - 5:00PM EST. The following services were unavailable during this time: Turnitin, Turnitin Similarity (including Integrations), Feedback Studio for iOS.
Between 8:00AM and 11:00AM EST, SimCheck and Similarity users may have encountered intermittent inability to log into these services or access them via integration. Service has been restored.
On Saturday May 2, 2020, Turnitin required an emergency maintenance from 11:00AM to 3:00PM EST due to maintenance work by a third-party network provider. During this time, Turnitin may not have been available, and may have given an error or intermittent service degradation. Users encountering problems with submissions may have to retry their submissions.
On Monday, May 27th from 12:00AM to 1:35AM, Turnitin users may have experienced an unexpected service disruption. During this time, you may have been unable to access Turnitin or experienced degraded performance.
04/26/2020 8:17pm to 4/27/2020
From Sunday around 8:15PM until Monday, 4:40AM you may have been unable to submit and experienced delays in report generation through Turnitin. Users accessing these services via an integration would also have been impacted. This issue effected Turnitin (Turnitin Paper Submissions, Turnitin Report Processing Time, Turnitin Feedback Studio Access) and iThenticate. The service has been restored.
Turnitin users may have experienced an unexpected service disruption. During this time, you may have found that you were unable to access Turnitin or experienced degraded performance.
04/19/2020 to 04/20/2020
Starting Sunday around 9:30PM and continuing until 1:50AM on Monday, you may have experienced issues with uploading and viewing submissions to Turnitin. This was the result of a service degradation affecting the performance of Turnitin's Feedback Studio.
On Tuesday, March 31st, 2020, between 7:15pm and 8:33pm, Turnitin users may have been unable to create new assignments or load existing ones.
You may have been unable to view similarity reports in Turnitin between 5:41 AM and 6:49 AM on February 17th, 2020.
Turnitin will take a 2 hour preventative maintenance window on February 13, 2020 from 10:00AM - 12:00PM EST. Although we anticipate most users will experience negligible/minimal disruption to their service during this period, some users could encounter problems accessing, uploading, submitting, or grading.
Turnitin ETS e-rater experienced an unexpected service disruption on 01/30/2020 between 9:30 AM and 12:50 PM. During this time, some users may have not been able to receive an ETS e-rater report for submissions.
Turnitin experienced a service disruption on 12/05/2019 between 12:56 AM and 9:34 AM. Some users were not able to receive Similarity Reports during this time.
Users of the Turnitin services were unable to make submissions or experienced slowness when uploading submissions from 11:00 AM to 1:08 PM on 11/13/2019.
Due to a configuration problem, while performing network maintenance, users may have experienced submission and/or paper loading issues on 09/05/2019 between 4:20 PM and 4:41 PM.
Turnitin underwent scheduled system maintenance on Saturday, July 13th, 2019 between 11:00 AM and 7:00 PM. It was unavailable during that time.
06/11/2019 - 06/12/2019
Turnitin experienced issues with Feedback Studio Access between 11:48 PM on 06/11/2019 and 12:38 AM on 6/12/2019. Users may have experienced issues with Turnitin Feedback Studio access, Turnitin Feedback Studio Grading access, Turnitin Logins, Turnitin Paper submissions, Turnitin Report Processing time,, iThenticate API, iThenticate Report Processing time, and iThenticate website.
Turnitin experienced issues with viewing similarity reports and accepting submissions between 10:08 AM and 11:04 AM. Users may have experienced issues with feedback studio access, feedback studio grading access, paper submissions, and report processing time.
04/28/2019 - 04/29/2019
Turnitin experienced an unexpected service degradation. Between 11:45 PM on 04/28/2019 and 2:48 AM on 04/29/2019, instructors and students may have experienced issues when trying to submit or view similarity reports.
04/07/2019 - 04/08/2019
Users of Turnitin may have been unable to make/view submissions and experienced delays to Similarity Report generation, as a result of a service outage between 11PM on 04/07/2019 and 6AM on 04/08/2019.
02/15/2019 - 02/16/2019
The Turnitin service outage as a result of an unexpected database issue has been resolved. Users may not have been able to access the various features of TII and/or submit papers between 10:30AM EST on 02/15/2019 and 2:06AM on 02/16/2019.
Turnitin underwent maintenance January 5, 2019 between 11:00 AM and 7:00 PM. Users were unable to view or submit papers during this time.
Turnitin users experienced a service degradation (system slowness) between 10AM and 12:05PM. Users may have experienced issues while submitting or uploading papers or when trying to access the Feedback Studio.
Turnitin experienced a service degradation between 8:25PM and 8:50AM EST. Users may have experienced issues while submitting or uploading papers.
Turnitin experienced a service degradation between 9:05PM and 9:40AM EST. Users may have experienced issues while submitting or uploading papers.
Turnitin performed scheduled maintenance between 5:00 AM and 5:30 AM EST. Users were unable to view or submit papers during this time.
10/14/2018 - 10/15/2018
Turnitin experienced a service degradation between 11:15PM and 2:15AM EST. Users may have experienced issues while submitting or uploading papers.
Turnitin experienced a service degradation between 5:45PM and 6:30PM EST. Users may have experienced issues while submitting or uploading papers.
Turnitin performed maintenance that temporarily disrupted their services between 11:00 AM and 7:30 PM. Users were unable to view or submit papers.
Turnitin experienced a service degradation between 12:00PM and 12:30PM EST. Users may have experienced issues while submitting or uploading papers.
09/16/2018 - 09/17/2018
Turnitin experienced a service degradation between 8:00 PM on 09/16/2018 and 1:30 PM on 09/17/2018. Users experienced issues while submitting and viewing papers.
Turnitin experienced a service degradation between 11:00 AM and 9:00 PM. Users experienced issues while submitting and viewing papers.
Turnitin experienced a service degradation between 4:00 AM and 6:15 AM. Users experienced issues while submitting and viewing papers.
Users were unable to view Similarity reports or enable Turnitin on Assignments until 1:30 PM.
Turnitin performed maintenance on between 11:00 AM and 7:00 PM. Users were be unable to submit or view papers during this time.
Turnitin experienced a service degradation between 4:30 PM and 5:15 PM. Users experienced issues while submitting and viewing papers.
Turnitin experienced a service degradation between 1:15 PM and 3:30 PM. Users experienced issues while submitting and viewing papers.
Some instructors received an email sent by Turnitin from "John Doe" with the subject line "You're Now an Instructor in a Turnitin Account."
If you received this email do NOT click on the "Log In Now button" as advised in the email. Disregard the email's instructions and delete the email. The email was generated in error by Turnitin as the vendor performed system maintenance.
Turnitin experienced a service degradation between 9:15 AM and 8:45 AM. Users experienced issues while submitting and viewing papers.
Turnitin experienced a service degradation between 9:45 AM and Noon. Users experienced issues while submitting and viewing papers.
Turnitin experienced a service degradation between 3:00 AM and 5:45 AM. Users experienced issues while viewing papers.
There was scheduled maintenance Saturday March 17 between 11:00 am and 5:00 pm. All Turnitin services and related websites (Turnitin, OriginalityCheck, and GradeMark) may have been unavailable during scheduled maintenance window.
Turnitin experienced a service degradation between 08:45 AM and 10:15 AM. Users experienced slowness while submitting and viewing papers.
Some users may not have been able to access Turnitin or submit papers between 1:00 PM and 2:15 PM.
Turnitin experienced a service degradation between 12:45 PM and 2:30 PM. This affected the ability to make view pages for all users of the Turnitin services.
02/02/2018 - 02/03/2018
Some Turnitin users may have experienced an error when attempting to leave comments through Feedback Studio. This matter was being addressed by Turnitin as a top priority by their engineering team.
Planned maintenance. All Turnitin services and related websites (Turnitin, OriginalityCheck, and GradeMark) were unavailable between 11:00 AM and 8:00 PM.
Some users may have experienced issues when trying to access Turnitin. Turnitin has indicated that issues occurred between 1:40 PM- 2:32 PM, however, some OCC faculty have reported that when trying to access Turnitin papers after 4:00 PM, the result was the following error:
This error (HTTP 500 Internal Server Error) means that the website you are visiting had a server problem which prevented the webpage from displaying. For more information about HTTP errors, see Help.
The vendor has been contacted and an update will be posted when received. Thank you for your patience.
Some users may have experienced log in issues between 12:30 PM and 1:15 PM.
The Turnitin service may have been unavailable between 5:00 AM and 9:30 AM.
The Turnitin service may have been unavailable between 7:15 AM and 7:45 AM.
Turnitin experienced a service degradation between 4:00 AM and 5:15 AM. This affected the ability to make submissions for all users of the Turnitin services.
The Turnitin service may have been unavailable between 6:30 PM and 7:45 PM.
The Turnitin service may have been unavailable between 8:15 PM and 11:30 PM.
Students may have experienced issues making late submissions to Turnitin between 5:50 PM and 9:45 AM.
The Turnitin service was unavailable between 3:15 PM and 4:00 PM.
The Turnitin service was unavailable between 9:00 AM and 2:00 PM during a scheduled maintenance period.
No student submissions to or instructor grading on Originality Check-enabled Dropboxes were possible during this time. Instructors were encouraged to modify assignment due dates either before or at least several hours after to accommodate the scheduled maintenance window.
The Turnitin service was unavailable between 12:00 PM and 1:20 PM.
Additional Zoom service statuses can be found
here. OCC contracts for the following Zoom services: Meetings, Zoom Website / Portal.
As of 4:50 PM EST, Zoom has resolved the issue.
As of 3:11 AM EST, Zoom indicated that there is an issue with 2-Factor Authentication SMS not being received. Their engineers are currently investigating the impact and root cause.
As of 3:56 PM EST, Zoom has completed their unscheduled maintenance. All service has been restored.
As of 3:07 PM EST, Zoom is undergoing unscheduled maintenance. During this time users may experience intermittent errors from teh Zoom website and intermittent issues with the files in Zoom Chat.
As of 11:37 AM EST, Zoom has finished their unscheduled maintenance. All service has been restored.
As of 11:17 AM EST, Zoom is performing unscheduled maintenance. During this time users may encounter errors when starting or joining Zoom meetings.
Zoom has finished their maintenance as of 2:00 AM EST.
Zoom will be performing maintenance starting at 8:00 PM EST. The estimated duration of the maintenance is six hours. Zoom does not anticipate any downtime, but users may experience a service disruption during this time.
From 1:45 AM EST until, 3:02 AM EST Zoom was performing some unscheduled maintenance. During this time users may of been unable to access their Zoom profile settings page. All service has since been restored.
As of 3:03 PM EST, Zoom has finished its unscheduled maintenance.
As of 1:38 PM EST, Zoom is undergoing some unscheduled maintenance. During this time users may be unable to unable to automatically start Live Transcriptions services.
From 7:18 PM EST until 8:52 PM EST, users may have experienced some errors and latency while accessing Zoom has since resolved the issue.
12:17 PM EST, Zoom reports the issue has been resolved.
11:42 AM EST, Zoom has received reports of issues where participants joining a meeting are being split into multiple meetings with the same meeting ID.
4:04 PM EST, Zoom indicated that the underlying provider has resolved most of the issues. There are still some potential delays but most services are recovered.
Zoom is currently experiencing an issue that will not send SMS codes to users who are using 2-Factor authentication. Users can use their Zoom recovery codes or the authentication app that they have configured such as Okta to sign in.
From 11:33 AM EST, until 11:58 AM EST, Zoom was doing some unscheduled maintenance, during this time user may of not been able to sign into their Zoom account. The issues has since been resolved.
Zoom has reported that there is an ongoing bug regarding Live Transcriptions for hosts and co-hosts who are not on version 5.7.8 or above. On occasion when the Live Transcriptions feature is enabled, it can result in the host/co-hosts Zoom session freezing. Prior to your next Zoom meeting, Zoom advises to uninstall the Zoom client and reinstalling the latest version of the Zoom Meetings Client.
Zoom will be performing routine maintenance regarding Zoom Support on 09/18/2021 starting at 4:00 PM EST. During this time, users may experience system delays or longer than expected wait times when contacting Zoom Support via phone, chat or web submission.
5:02 PM, Zoom reports the issues with file sharing have been resolved.
Starting around 3:59 PM EST, Zoom users may have experienced issues when sharing or receiving files during a meeting.
Unscheduled maintenance was performed on Zoom application servers starting around 7:00PM EST on 4/21 and completing at 6:54AM on 4/22. During this time, users who were connected to a Zoom Meeting for longer than three hours may have been reconnected to their session.
At 3:36 PM EST Zoom has reported that the issue has been resolved.
At 3:14 PM EST Zoom has implemented a fix for the issue. They are continuing to monitor the systems performance.
At 2:19 PM EST Zoom is currently investigating an increased number of error reports while users are joining meetings and webinars on the US east coast.
At 6:33 PM EST Zoom has resolved the issue causing localized Internet service issues which were causing meeting connection issues.
At 11:15PM Zoom is investigating a subset of users that are reporting issues connecting to meetings. Zoom believes this is due to a localized Internet service issue.
At 10:50PM Zoom has seen indications that the external issue impacting Northeast US users’ ability to join meetings and access the Zoom website is now resolved.
At 12:55PM Zoom is investigating reports from a subset of users that are unable to access the Zoom website and/or are having issues starting/joining meetings. Zoom recommends any users impacted to join their meetings via phone while they investigate.
At 12:21PM Zoom has resolved the issue causing a subset of users to experience difficulties joining meetings or meeting disconnections.
At 11:47AM Zoom users are experiencing difficulties joining meetings or with meeting disconnections.
At 12:30PM Zoom has resolved the issue causing a subset of users to experience difficulties joining meetings or meeting disconnections.
At 11:51AM Zoom is reporting that some users are experiencing difficulties joining meetings or with meeting disconnections. They are currently working on fixing this issue.
At 1:10PM Zoom has resolved the issue causing some users to be unable to start and join Zoom meetings, webinars or manage aspects of their account on the Zoom website ( or Zoom determined the cause of the service disruption was related to an application-level bug its system, which resulted in a web login issue for customers..
At 10:58AM Zoom is in the process of deploying a fix across their cloud. Service has been restored already for some users. Zoom is continuing to roll this out to complete the fix for any users still impacted.
At 8:51AM Users are unable to visit OCC's or Zooms Zoom websites ( or Also users are unable to Join Zoom meetings and webinars. Currently Zoom is investigating this issue.
From 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM Users may have had intermittent connection to meetings and webinars. Zoom have resolved the issue which affected users connecting to a specific data center.
Zoom has resolved the issue causing meetings to split into multiple meetings.
Some users joining a meeting may be split into multiple meetings with the same meeting ID. Zoom has identified the issue and is working on a solution
Between 12:00 PM and 12:30 PM some users may have experience split meetings. Zoom has resolved the issue.
Zoom reports users may have had issues sending and receiving messages through Zoom Chat. Zoom has implemented a fix to address the issue
Between 11:45 AM and 1:00 PM users dialing into meetings and webinars may have been sporadically disconnected. This issue has been resolved.
After May 30th, 2020, only Zoom clients on version 5 or later will be able to join Zoom meetings.
All users need to update to Zoom 5.0 or higher as soon as possible. Users can check their version of the Zoom client by going to the main menu and selecting "about" which will show which version is in use.
This version enables 256-bit GCM encryption, one of the most secure encryption standards to date.
Zoom meetings participants may have experienced intermittent issues joining meetings due to extremely high volumes of usage in a particular geographic area. This issue has been resolved.
Some users may have been unable to start new meetings or webinars on desktop and mobile devices between 4:04 PM and 4:12 PM on 10/04/2019.
Some users may have been unable to visit the Zoom website to join new meetings or webinars between 1:15 PM and 1:21 PM on 09/09/2019.
Some users may have experienced issues with visiting the Zoom website and starting or joining meeting and webinars between 2:19 PM and 2:48 PM on 06/24/2019
Some users may have been unable to use their phone to call into Zoom meetings between 1:35 PM and 8:10 PM on 06/03/2019.
09/17/2018 - 09/19/2018
Some users may have been unable to use their phone to call into Zoom meetings between 4:45 PM on 09/17/2018 and 6:00 PM on 09/19/2018.
D2L Publisher Integrations
- MGH Widget retired.
- MGH LTI Advantage (LTI 1.3) deployed.
- MGH SIMnet LTI Advantage (LTI 1.3) deployed for use starting Fall 2023.
- Pearson LTI Advantage (LTI 1.3) deployed for use starting Fall 2023.
As of 2:20 PM EST, Person solutions has addressed and resolved the synchronization of Pearson and the D2L gradebook issue.
As of 10:50 AM EST, Pearson solutions is undergoing some unscheduled maintenance. During this time the synchronization between Pearson and the D2L gradebook is not working.
Pearson solutions will have scheduled maintenance Saturday August 7, 2021, between 1:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. ET the following products will be impacted:
XL-based MyLabs (Math, business, English, health science, and careers & nursing): You and your students will be unable to access your XL-based courses for the entire maintenance window. When you and your students attempt to access your courses, you’ll see a splash page letting you know about the maintenance work.
Mastering (Astronomy, Geology, Geography, Genetics, Biology, A&P, Chemistry disciplines only): You and your students will be unable to access your courses for the entire maintenance window. Content downloaded to the mobile app before the maintenance start will be available. When you and your students attempt to access your courses, you’ll see an error message.
Mastering (all other disciplines), eText, Collections, Learning Catalytics, and Pearson Writer: You and your students will be able to access your courses but will be; however, when trying to search, no results will be returned.
Revel and Enhanced Revel: You and your students will be unable to access your courses for the entire maintenance window. Content downloaded to the mobile app before the maintenance start will be available. When you and your students attempt to access your courses, you’ll see a splash page letting you know about the maintenance work.
MyLab IT and MyLab MIS: You and your students will be unable to access Grader assignments throughout the entire maintenance window.
MyEnglishLab and Pearson English Portal: You and your students will be unable to access your courses for the entire maintenance window.
Pearson solutions will have scheduled maintenance Saturday, July 17, 2021, between 1:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. ET the following products will be impacted:
All MyLabs and Mastering courses: You and your students will be unable to access your courses for the entire maintenance window. When you and your students attempt to access your courses, you’ll see a splash page about the maintenance work.
Revel and Enhanced Revel: You and your students can access your courses, but assessments (quizzes, journals, concept checks, shared writing, shared media, video quizzes, and writing assignments) will be unavailable for the entire maintenance window.
MyEnglishLab and Pearson English Portal: You and your students will be unable to access your courses for the entire maintenance window.
Pearson solution will have Scheduled downtime, Saturday, May 23, 2020, 1:00 a.m. ET to Saturday, May 23, 2020, 9:00 a.m. ET
MyLabs and Mastering: Your ability to create new courses, copy existing, and copy to a new edition will be delayed. If you take any of these actions during the maintenance window, you courses will be put into a queue that will process once our work is complete. You and your students will still be able to access your courses. Students will be able to register for courses throughout the maintenance window.
MyLabsPlus: MLP admins, instructors, and students will be unable to sign-on to your courses or the admin portal via the direct portal or your regular sign-on method. When you and your students attempt to sign on, you’ll see a web page notifying you of the maintenance work.
Emergency maintenance March 31, 2020 Pearson technology teams will conduct an emergency maintenance Tuesday, March 31, 2020, from 2:00 a.m. ET to 7:00 a.m. ET. During this time, you and your students will not be able to access XL-based MyLab courses. This includes MyLabsPlus, MyFoundationsLab, and MathXL.
During the downtime, if you and your students try to access your courses through your learning management system, such as Blackboard, Canvas, Moodle, and Brightspace by D2L, you’ll see a splash page letting you know about the downtime. If you and your students try to sign in through the MyLab & Mastering website, you’ll see a message posted on the sign-in page and then a splash page once you and your students try to access your course.
March 29-30, 2020 Issue impacting MyLab Courses We apologize for the issue that may have prevented you and your students from accessing your MyLabs, MyLabsPlus, MyFoundationsLab, or MathXL courses, assignments, and tests on March 29 and 30, 2020.
We experienced an issue in our technology environment and deemed it necessary to take our MyLabs, MyLabsPlus, MyFoundationsLab, and MathXL digital solutions offline at approximately 7:00 p.m. ET, Sunday, March 29, 2020.
While access was restored at 8:00 a.m. ET, March 30, 2020, we want to ensure optimal performance moving forward, so we’ll conduct an emergency maintenance as outlined above.
Pearson solutions will be unavailable between 1:00 AM and 9:00 AM on 03/28/2020 for scheduled maintenance. MyLab, MyLabsPlus, Mastering, Modified Mastering, Revel, eText, Pearson Writer, and StatCrunch MediaShare will all be impacted during this maintenance window. Instructors or students attempting to access a Pearson site from D2L between 1:00 AM and 9:00 AM should expect degraded service or even inaccessible service depending on the Pearson service they are trying to use. Pearson instructors with questions about the planned maintenance can contact your Pearson rep for more information.
Pearson has released its scheduled maintenance dates for 2020. Pearson solutions will be unavailable between 1:00 AM and 9:00 AM on these dates:
- March 28
- April 25
- May 23
- June 20
- July 4
- July 18
- August 1
- October 24
- November 21
- December 19
Pearson solutions will be unavailable between 1:00 AM and 9:00 AM on 02/15/2020 for scheduled maintenance. MyLab, MyLabsPlus, Mastering, Modified Mastering, Revel, eText, Pearson Writer, StatCrunch MediaShare, Pearson Prep, and Group Work, Learning Catalytics, and Higher Education Catalog will all be impacted during this maintenance window. Instructors or students attempting to access a Pearson site from D2L between 1:00 AM and 9:00 AM should expect degraded service or even inaccessible service depending on the Pearson service they are trying to use. Pearson instructors with questions about the planned maintenance can contact your Pearson rep for more information.
Pearson solutions will be unavailable between 1:00 AM and 9:00 AM for scheduled maintenance. MyLab, MyLabsPlus, Mastering, Modified Mastering, Learning Studio, Revel, eText, Pearson Writer, Strategic Reader, and StatCrunch content will be completely inaccessible during this time. Please do not try to access your Pearson coursework during the maintenance window. Pearson has indicated 'a course cannot be found' error message should be expected when an instructor or student attempts to access a Pearson site from D2L between 1:00 AM and 9:00 AM. Are you a Pearson instructor with questions about the planned maintenance? Please contact your Pearson rep for more information.