Microsoft gives students, with a valid school email address, free access to Office 365. Office 365 Education provides web versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Microsoft Teams, and Microsoft 365 Copilot Chat, plus additional AI-based tools for work and learning. (* Please note: Office365 is for student personal use in support of their learning experience. The Microsoft Teams platform is not intended for instructor-student interaction—D2L and Zoom are offered for this purpose).”
The college does not provide support for downloading and/or installation of this software.
Below are basic instructions for accessing the free Office 365 for Education software. You will need to use your Oakland Community College student email to create your account with Microsoft, verifying that it is a working email account.
- Access https://products.office.com/en-US/student/office-in-education?tab=schools&CorrelationId=1c857991-343f-40f9-b420-cc90ca309f95
- Click Get Started

- Enter in your full OCC student email (lastname.firstname@student.oaklandcc.edu)

- Click I’m a student

- Select Text me or Call me. Enter in your phone number and click Send verification code.

- Fill out the required information

Enter in the verification code that was sent to your student email and click Next.

- Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Skip and go to Office 365 Education.

- Your account will now be setup. Click Get Started to continue to the next page.

- At the Microsoft login, enter your OCC student email (lastname.firstname@student.oaklandcc.edu)

- Enter the password you created earlier and click Sign in

Setting up Authenticator Through Okta
To use Microsoft products, you will be required to set up the Microsoft Authenticator application. Upon your first time accessing your account, you will be prompted to set it up. You will have the option to skip the setup for the first 14 days by clicking Ask Later during step 1. After the 14 days have passed, you will be forced to setup the Authenticator application.
At OCC, we recommend setting up the Authenticator app using the Okta Verify app we currently use at OCC to avoid having multiple applications. You can choose to use the Authenticator application instead of the Okta application.
- When the Action Required screen appears, click Next

- To set up the Authenticator through the Okta app, click I want to use a different authenticator app.

- You will need to open the Okta Verify application on your phone. If the application is not installed, please install from the Google Play / Apple App Store.

- Open Okta Verify and click the plus (+) icon to add the account.

- Click Next and a QR code should appear.

- Scan the QR code with the Okta Verify application

- Enter the code that appears in the Okta application.

- Microsoft will then ask you to set up a phone number. Enter in your phone number and select Receive a code to get a text message or Call me to receive a call with the code. Click Next.

- Enter in the code you received via text or call and click Next.

Your Microsoft Authenticator is now fully set up. Click Next to login to your Microsoft account.