Finding Your Grades


You may find individual grades along with feedback left by your instructor in the Grades tool.


OCC students and faculty can click on the video to launch.

Here's How

Viewing Your Grades

  1. Once you enter your course, click Grades found on the navigation bar.
    Screenshot of D2L navigation bar Grades link is selected
  2. Locate a grade item (e.g. Paper 1) then find information displayed that has been released by your instructor for your grade in the Points column (e.g. 10/10 point value scored) and Grade column (e.g. 100%, or letter grade received).

    Note: If your instructor uses a weighted grade book, you will find your grade in the Weight Achieved column rather than in the Points column.

    Note: The details you see about each grade item depends on what your instructor selects to release.
  3. To view feedback released by your instructor, locate the Grade Item (e.g. Paper 1) and view the information listed under the Comments and Assessments column (e.g. Individual Feedback: Good Job Etta!, Overall Feedback: There are extra points available for the paper. You may earn up to 12 points.).

    Note: Contact your instructor if you would like to know if feedback is usually provided.

Viewing Your Final Grade for the Course

  1. At the top of the Grades page, your instructor may release the final grade (Final Calculated Grade) (e.g .Points 108/110, Grade 98.2%) for you to view. Click on the calculator icon to see a list of items included in the final grade.
    Note: Important! Two days after the end of the semester, your official final grade is posted by your instructor to your MyOCC profile. View the Grades Tutorial to find where to go to view your official final grade.
  2. Review the list of grade items (e.g. Paper 1, Paper 2) included in the final grade displayed in the Final Grade Calculation Formula pop-up and the Points Achieved column (e.g. Written Assignments 19/20).

    Note: If your instructor uses a weighted grade book, you will find your grades in the Weight Achieved Column rather than under the Points Achieved column.


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