Common Uses for Rubrics


A rubric is a scoring guide that helps instructors assess your work based on a range of criteria. A rubric describes your instructor's expectations for the work you submit.

Note: Not all instructors use rubrics for grading and feedback. Contact your instructor with questions about the rubrics that are used in your course.

Here's How

D2L Rubrics

Below is an example of a D2L rubric (e.g. Discussion Rubric), which the instructor assigned to a Discussion topic. The D2L rubric is found under the Rubric heading when you open the topic. To view the rubric's details, click on the rubric's name (e.g. Discussion Rubric).

In the example below, the Discussion Rubric lists three criteria on which the instructor will be grading your work. So, for the Response Posted in a Timely Manner criterion, in order to be awarded the full 5 points, you must post to the discussion board before it is due. To receive full credit (15 points) for your discussion post, you must also meet your instructor's expectations for the first two criteria.

Other Ways Rubrics May Be Provided to You

Sometimes your instructor will not use the D2L Rubric tool to provide you the criteria but instead upload a Word document to the assignment or Content area, or possibly post a bulleted list of the criteria in a course announcement. Both of these examples may be called a rubric as well. 

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