Student Software Remote Access - HTML

Horizon Client HTML access for Students

  1. Type in into a web browser
  2. Click VMware Horizon HTML Access

  3. Click Accept

  4. Type in your OCC Username and Password

  5. Click Accept

  6. This is a sample of what you might see logged on to the VMware Horizon HTML Access page App-Test is a Virtual Machine of Windows 10 with the Adobe Suite installed
    Double click on App-Test to connect to the Virtual Machine

  7. The VMware Virtual Machine with Windows 10 and Abode Creative Cloud is now running through the HTML interface in your browser


    *Note - When using VMware Horizon HTML in a browser, the Virtual Machine Does Not have access to any USB drives connected to your physical device

In order to use the Adobe XD application, it will need to be installed after logging into your virtual session. Follow the instructions for Adobe XD Access 

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