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    Supplies instructions on installing the Horizon Client on Windows device and accessing an OCC virtual desktop. This will give registered students remote access to applications(software) needed for their course work.
    Supplies instructions on installing the Horizon Client on MAC device and accessing an OCC virtual desktop. This will give registered students remote access to applications(software) needed for their course work.
    Supplies instructions on installing the Horizon Client on Chromebook device and accessing an OCC virtual desktop. This will give registered students remote access to applications (software) needed for their course work.
    Supplies instructions on accessing Horizon Client for HTML and accessing a virtual desktop . This will give registered students remote access to applications(software) needed for their course work through a Web browser.
    Supplies instructions on installing the Horizon Client on iOS device and accessing an OCC virtual desktop or application. This will give registered students remote access to applications(software) needed for their course work.