Information on where to find D2L technical support for students may be found on various OCC sites and web pages, as well as the My Home page in D2L.
Here's Where
D2L Student Support Widget and Student Quicklinks
After you log into D2L, you will find the D2L Support Widget on the My Home Page. You may call for help any time of the day or night, or Submit a Request for D2L Technical Support using the link found in the Support widget. Be sure to use your student OCC e-mail address, when submitting a ticket.
Note: Have your Student ID number ready for D2L Technical Support to verify your identity.
In addition to the D2L Support Widget, OCC students also have access to the Student Quicklinks drop down menu, which is located on the My Home Page.

OCC Student Knowledge Base
Check out the Student Knowledge Base for help and how-to articles on using D2L tools and features and more.
Course Syllabus
Online and Hybrid faculty include D2L Technical Support information in the course syllabus. The syllabus should be located in the Course Information module in the Content area in a D2L course site.
Student Services
The Student Services page on the OCC website or on the My Home page in D2L, provides links to the various available services.
OCC Username and Password Support
To log into D2L, use your OCC username and password.
'How-To' Video