Read about Ally and the alternative content formats that you have access to in your D2L course site. Also, check out some tips for making your D2L experience a better one.

Articles (4)

About Ally

Ally creates alternative files that are easier to use by all students. Ally works within a D2L course so it's available right where you need it.

Alternative files include readable text for screen readers, pictures with captions, and easy-to-navigate content. Ally creates multiple alternatives from the original documents in your course for you to download.

Accessibility Checker in D2L HTML Editor

The built-in  Accessibility Checker in D2L follows a set of rules established by W3C and WCAG 2.0 when searching your HTML document.

Out of Country Access Request

This article explains how students can request out of country access to OCC resources.

Setting Default Web Browser Font Preferences

This article provides information on customizing your browser's default font preferences.